Friday 7 October 2011

The Great Kapok Tree (Lynne Cherry)


Two men enter a jungle with the intention of chopping down a central Kapok tree. As one man leaves the jungle the other falls asleep. While asleep, many animals that rely on the Kapok tree for survival, including a village boy, speak to the man and ask him to leave the tree alone. As the man wakes up he sees all the animals around him. This makes him realise that what he is intending to do will effect many species in the jungle. Instead of chopping down the tree, he leaves with a sense of peace.


The Jungle, animals, species, ecosystems, habitats, deforestation, human destruction, looking after the planet etc


A good story for KS1 or lower KS2 as provides an entertaining story that teaches children about  animals and habitats in the jungle but also touches upon the consequences of human destruction and how we can prevent extinction.


Brilliant cross-curricular tool. Links in excellently with geography and science, touching upon the uses of the jungle, water cycles, photosynthesis, habitats and ecosystems. Also excellent way of teaching children about animals (counting how many of each there are in the story) and linking it into english activities and art.

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