Saturday 1 October 2011

The Illustrated Mum (Jaqueline Wilson)

Revolves around two children (Dolphin and Star) who are dealing with the effects/ pressures of having a mum suffering with manic depression. Through exploring  their emotions and concerns, we are left with a raw, honest portrayal of mental illness.

Deals with issues of bullying, mental illness, identity, belonging, attitudes towards and experiences of care and single parenthood.

Appropriate for older KS2 children as the subject matter is quite mature and may be upsetting for younger children. Gives a very in depth, unbiased insight into mental illness. May be useful in helping to reduce stereotyping surrounding mental illness.

May be a useful tool to bring into citizenship/ PSHE, allows children to experience the effects of mental illness and the stigma associated with it. Shows how equality and understanding is important.

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